Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I carry in my pocket ...

My children are scattered all over the world at this moment. My son is in Nicaragua, my oldest daughter is in New Zealand, and my second daughter is in Germany.

The "mother" in me is struggling a little with this, although I am delighted they are experiencing new cultures, new people, new adventures. Yet, I can't help but long for the time when they are in this very room with me retelling all the adventures and stories and I can look into their eyes and smile with them, and reach out and hug them and hold them tight.

It may be some time before we are all together again at home in our little town. So I thought of a way in which I can remember them more often, pray for them and have a sense of them "being with me".

Since last week I have carried around in my jeans pocket, three little items which I selected specifically for each one of my children.

They are a skeleton key, a polished gem stone, and a gold apple charm.

When I reach in my pocket and fondle the key, I remember to say a prayer for my son. He is in Nicaragua for a month. The image of a key came to me in three distinct ways last Sunday and I just know that this image is significant to his life while he is down there.

The smooth polished gem stone is for my middle daughter who at the moment has completed her mission trip to Tibet and is now back in Germany for her last two weeks and then will return home. It reminds me of how precious she is to me, a treasure from God.

The gold apple charm represents my oldest daughter. She is the "apple of my eye". She has a heart of gold and clothes herself in kindness and love.

Sometimes my hand just slips into my pocket unknowingly and I touch the key, the stone and the gold charm and immediately, I think of my children and whisper a silent prayer to God to watch over and protect them.

There is nothing in this world that I hold more close to my heart than my children. And these small representations of them, in a strange and wonderful sense, make me feel more close to them. Like I am touching and embracing them.

Oh, how I love them.


Heidi Renee said...

This is beautiful Robyn! Your children will rise up and call you blessed!

My daughter had so much fun baking with you, sure do appreciate your hospitality. Thanks so much!

Dan Wilt said...

Beautiful, Robyn. What a strong connection of symbol and prayer.