Monday, June 23, 2008

Remember my friend today

Lord, I pray for my dear friend today.

Give her strength to reach out and touch the hem of your garment so she may be made whole.

Restore to her the hope that she gives away so freely to others when they are in need. Today, she needs that hope for herself. She cannot give it away. Let it not slowly dwindle away with the pain and agony she is experiencing.

Renew your spirit within her. Grant her a sound mind. Fill her with your peace. Let waves of joy come and wash over her and take away the sadness in her heart.

Remind her of how BIG you really are. Give her a new lens with which to see you through.

Embrace her and never let her go until she is healed and able to embrace others in their pain.

Remember my dear friend today, dear Lord and answer my prayers for her.

How Big is Your God?

We limit our God because of our small and limited thinking of him.

Either he is who he says he is and can handle all our pain and heartache or our faith is merely an exercise in positive thinking to help us cope with our crisises.

I choose to believe that my God is bigger than my struggles, bigger than my pain, bigger than my problems, bigger than my answers, bigger than my sin.

I choose to believe that he loves me more than I could ever know and my journey on this planet earth is to discover each day, just how "big" that love really is.

It's a wonderful journey.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A new gift day

I rejoice in the gift of this new day.

As I open the gift, smell it, taste it, touch it, let me forever keep in mind that it is a gift, given to me in love. I didn't ask for it. You gave it to me out of your great storehouse of blessings.

I desire in turn, to give it back to you with my heart attached to it, for you to use me and do with me, what ever your desire is this day.

May you be pleased with the gift of my life given to you.