Monday, November 19, 2007

Look beyond

I look out the windows on the second floor landing in my home and I can see clearly, the first street across the river which just so happens to be in another country because I live in a border town.

The view wasn't always so clear and so vast. The reason for the change is that we made the decision to tear down the dilapitated house on the property next to us that we purchased two years ago.

My husband and I imagined the view without the house there many times but we never really expected the clear site line across the river to the first street and beyond.

We never imagined the feeling of spaciousness as we look out across our lot which draws your eye beyond the horizon. Even the two large trees which before were on the edge of the one property are now centered in the bigger lot.

From the third floor, the attic room, you can see above the house tops and view the winding river. At nighttime the view is even more beautiful because the street and house lights are now visible.

It has made me think how much our perspective changes when something that is blocking our vision is removed or taken away. Its hard to imagine what might be on the "other side" or "behind" it.

Too often we become satisfied to just leave things the way they are and settle for "limited sight". Our world becomes small, restricted by what we allow to grow up around us, or by walls built up over time to protect us from being vulnerable or hurt.

It takes courage to change. It takes hope to imagine life being different. It takes faith to believe that it's worth reaching for, worth the risk, worth the struggle.

My husband and I have discussions on why we waited so long ... we could have enjoyed the beautiful scenery long ago.

I encourage you to imagine life beyond whatever may be holding you back from experiencing the fullness of God's presence. And I encourage you to take the steps to remove it, slowly if need be, but fervently.

You will be amazed at the vista before your eyes.

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